Conjuctions continued...
Conjunciones - Subordinating Conjunctions |
Spanish |
Conjunction |
Sentence |
Sentence |
después | after | d | Please close the door after you. | Cierre por favor la puerta después de usted. |
aunque | although | d | Although he didn't win the race he was still a winner. | Aunque él no ganó la raza él seguía siendo un ganador. |
como si | as if | Love my daughter as if she were your own. | Ame a mi hija como si ella fuera
su la propia. |
mientras | as long as | We will stay inside for as long as the storm lasts. | Permaneceremos adentro para mientras la tormenta dura. | |
como si | as though | She walked as though she were in a lot of pain. | Ella caminó como si ella estaba en muchos de dolor. | |
porque | because | d | We chose to see a movie because that was what we could afford. | Elegimos ver una película
porque eso era lo que podríamos producir. |
antes | before | d | He did the dishes before he had his dissert. | Él hizo los platos antes de que él tuviera su dissert. |
aunque | even though | Even though she was way taller than me, I still dated her. | Aunque ella era manera más alta que mí, todavía la feché. |
Que Coordinan - Coordinating Conjunctions |
cómo | how | d | Teach me how to make a pizza. | Enséñeme cómo hacer una pizza. |
si | if | d | I would teach you if I knew how to myself. | Le enseñaría si sabía a me. |
ahora que | now that | Lets go for a walk now that it has stopped raining. | Deja para ir para una caminata ahora que ha parado llover. | |
una vez que | once | d | We'll do more camping once we've retired. | Haremos acampar una vez que nos hayamos retirado. |
desde entonces | since | d | Since its stopped raining, lets go for a walk. | Puesto que el su llover parado, deja para ir para una caminata. |
de modo que | so that | I worked overtime so that I could take her on a nice trip. | Trabajé en horas extras de modo que pudiera tomarla en un viaje agradable. | |
que | than | d | I would rather be working than not be. | Estaría trabajando algo que no ser. |
eso | that | d | That man was the one who stole the bike. | Ese hombre era el quién robó la bici. |
Que Coordinan - Coordinating Conjunctions |
aunque | though | d | Though the business failed, I didn't. | Aunque el negocio falló, no . |
a menos que | unless | d | We will go camping unless it begins to rain. | Iremos a acampar a menos que comience a llover. |
hasta | until | d | Until you get better grades you will stay in after dinner. | Hasta que usted consigue grados mejores usted permanecerá adentro después de cena. |
cuando | when | d | When do you plan on cutting the grass? | Cuándo usted planea en cortar la hierba? |
siempre que | whenever | d | Whenever it rains, the roof leaks. | Siempre que llueva, la azotea se escapó. |
donde | where | d | Where is my hockey stick? | Dónde es mi hockey palillo? |
dondequiera que | wherever | d | Wherever is she? | Está dondequiera que ella? |
mientras que | while | d | While its raining outside I'll do my chores. | Mientras que su exterior que llueve yo hará mis tareas. |
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