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dog...dog (dog) {noun}

Nuestro dog sueño en nuestro dorso galería. (dinner pedacitos)
Our dog sleeps on our back porch (dinner scraps.)

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Many of the dog breeds of today were domesticated by humans in East Asia from grey wolves that lived a 100,000 years ago.

Mucho de la dog crianzas de hoy estado domesticado por humanismo en Oriente Asia desde gris lobos aquel vivo un 100,000 años hace.
Dogs evolved through a mutually beneficial relationship with humans, sharing living space and food sources. Dogs evolucionar a través un mutuamente beneficioso relación con humanismo , compartiendo viviente espacio y alimento orígenes.
There are approximately 400 known breeds of dogs in the world today. Dogs are believed to be one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. Dogs have been bred for hunting, herding, hauling, guarding, and show. Allí está aproximadamente 400 conocido crianzas de dogs en el mundo hoy. Dogs está creído ser un de la primero animales ser domesticado por humanismo. Dogs haber estado educado por cazar , hato , arrastrando , guardián , y presentación.
Dogs suffer from over 400 inherieted diseases.
Dogs padecer desde por inherieted enfermedades.