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faisán ...pheasant (phea - sant){noun}

Os faisões foram introduzidos em America do Norte pelos settlers europeus adiantados. Um faisão tem uma cauda feathered longa e, nos machos de muitas espécies, um plumage brilhante colorido.
Pheasants were introduced in North America by the early European settlers. A pheasant has a long feathered tail and, in the males of many species, brilliantly colored plumage.

Os faisões são encontrados geralmente em terras da agricultura com as colheitas do milho, o trigo, a aveia, a cevada ou o feno, ou as áreas com os grasslands misturados com as florestas pequenas.
Pheasants are commonly found in agriculture farmlands with crops of corn, wheat, oats, barley or hay, or areas with grasslands mixed with small woodlands.

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