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faisán ...pheasant (phea - sant){noun}

Faisanes estado introducir en Norteamérica por el temprano Europea pobladores. UN faisán has un largo plumado rabo como en , el varones de mucho especie , brillantemente coloreado plumaje.
Pheasants were introduced in North America by the early European settlers. A pheasant has a long feathered tail and, in the males of many species, brilliantly colored plumage.

Faisanes está comunalmente fundar en agricultura tierras de labranza con cosechas de maíz , trigo , avenas , cebada o heno , o áreas con praderas mixto con pequeño bosques.
Pheasants are commonly found in agriculture farmlands with crops of corn, wheat, oats, barley or hay, or areas with grasslands mixed with small woodlands.

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