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pronombres relativos ... relative pronouns (rel -a - tive pro - nouns)

Los pronombres relativos se utilizan para ligar dos oraciones juntas. Hay cinco formas básicas: el, que, que, y la forma "elíptica".
Relative pronouns are used to link two sentences together.
There are five basic forms: that, who, which, and the "elliptic" form.

Relative Pronouns - that, who, which, whose and the "elliptic" form.
eso that He likes the girl.   The girl lives in Canada. He likes the girl who lives in Canada. Él tiene gusto de la muchacha que vive en Canadá.
quién who She likes the boy.   The boy lives in Canada. She likes the boy that lives in Canada. Ella tiene gusto del muchacho que vive en Canadá.
cuál which I bought a bike. John recommended it. I bought a bike which John recommended. Compré una bici que Juan recomendó.
cuyo whose I found a bike.   The bike has an owner. Whose the owner of the bike I found? Cuyo el dueño de la bici que encontré?
elíptico (forma) elliptic (form) She's the lady that I dated.  She's the lady I dated. Ella es la señora I anticuado.


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