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pronombres relativos ... relative pronouns (rel -a - tive pro - nouns)

Pronombres relativos está acostumbró vínculo dos oraciones junto. Allí está cinco básica formas : aquel , quién , cuál , y el " elíptico " forma.
Relative pronouns are used to link two sentences together.
There are five basic forms: that, who, which, and the "elliptic" form.

Relative Pronouns - that, who, which, whose and the "elliptic" form.
eso, aquel that He likes the girl.   The girl lives in Canada. He likes the girl who lives in Canada. Él como el chica quién vidas en Canadá.
quién who She likes the boy.   The boy lives in Canada. She likes the boy that lives in Canada. Ella como el chico aquel vidas en Canadá.
cuál which I bought a bike. John recommended it. I bought a bike which John recommended. Yo rama un bicicleta cuál Juan recomendado.
cuyo whose I found a bike.   The bike has an owner. Whose the owner of the bike I found? Cuyo el dueña de la bicicleta YO fundar?
elíptico (forma) elliptic (form) She's the lady that I dated.  She's the lady I dated. Ella el dama yo fechada.


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