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sincap ...squirrel (squir-rel){noun}

A sincap bkz. be a orman kemirgen ile keskin disler ve a uzun bushy kuyruk.
A squirrel is a forest rodent with sharp teeth and a long bushy tail.

A sincap -ebilmek var olmak siyah , gri , gümüs , ya da kahverengi içinde bkz. colour. sincap begenmek -e dogru stok agaç deli uzaga içinde belgili tanimlik sonbahar taki onlar -ebilmek beslemek üzerinde onlari sirasinda belgili tanimlik uzun soguk kis.
A squirrel can be black, grey, silver, or brown in color.
Squirrels like to store tree nuts away in the autumn so that they can feed upon them during the long cold winters.

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