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lupo ...wolf (wolf){noun}

Un lupo č una carne che mangia l'animale che vaga le foreste e le montagne.
A wolf is a meat eating animal roaming the forests and mountains.

I lupi gradiscono cercare in un pacchetto, inseguente gių ed alimentantesi sugli animali e sul bestiame selvaggi.
Wolves like to hunt in a pack, chasing down and feeding upon wild animals and livestock.

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Wolves are meat eaters (carnivorous) and feed on elk.

I lupi sono mangiatori della carne (carnivori) ed alimentazione sugli alci.
Hunters and poachers are killing wolves off, hunters for the pelt and head trophy, the poacher for the money that can be made from selling the pelt.
I cacciatori ed i poachers sono lupi di uccisione fuori, cacciatori per il cuoio e trophy della testa, il poacher per i soldi che possono essere fatti dal vendere il cuoio.
Ranchers and farmers also kill the wolves because they are feeding on their life-stock (farm animals.)
I ranchers ed i coltivatori inoltre uccidono i lupi perché stanno alimentandosi sulle loro vita-azione (animali da fattoria.)
The loss of the wolves has had a profound effect on the environment. Because they feed on elk there are now 10 more times elk today than 100 years ago.
La perdita dei lupi ha avuta un effetto profondo sull'ambiente. Poiché si alimentano sugli alci ci ora sono oggi 10 nuovi alci di periodi che 100 anni fa.
Elk feed on vegetation and plantation (herbivorous), and the now large herds are stripping (eating) the vegetation; bushes, trees and grass from the land.
Elk feed on vegetation
and plantation (herbivorous), and the now large herds are stripping (eating)
the vegetation; bushes, trees and grass from the land.
With the loss of trees, beavers cannot build their dams. And with the loss of beaver ponds, ducks and geese are unable to build their nests.
Con la perdita degli alberi, i castori non possono costruire le loro dighe. E con la perdita degli stagni del castoro, le anatre e le oche non possono costruire i loro nidi.
The loss of one animal in the food chain effects the survival of other species and the environment.
La perdita di un animale nel ciclo alimentare effettua la sopravvivenza dell'altra specie e dell'ambiente.
Wolves are ecologically important in conserving a wide-range of species and our natural habitat.
I lupi sono ecologicamente importanti nella conservazione della largo-gamma di specie e di nostro habitat naturale.

Quiz: pertaining to the above article.

1. What do you call a meat eating animal?___________________________________

2. Why do hunters kill wolves?____________________________________________

3. Why do poachers kill wolves?___________________________________________

4. Why do farmers and ranchers kill wolves.________________________________

5. What do elk eat?_______________________

6. Animals that eat vegetation and plantation are called?__________________________

7. Why can the birds not survive?___________________________________________

8. Why can't a beaver build a dam?_______________________________________

9. What animal is most effected by the loss of insects?______________________________

10. Why are wolves ecologically important?__________________________________