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Irregular Verbs (ir - reg - u - lar verbs)

Irregular verbs are formed by making a change in the core word.

Common Irregular Verbs
  English   Sentence Past Tense Past Participle
am , are, is d We are happy. was, were been
become d The kitten will become a cat. became become
begin d I don't know where to begin. began begun
bring d Bring popcorn to the show. brought brought
build d We could build a house. built built
buy d I want to be a car. bought bought
choose d It's hard to choose. chose chosen
cost d What does this cost? cost cost
do d This ring will do. did done
draw d I won the draw. drew drawn
drink d Give me a drink please. drank drunk
drive d Let's drive together. drove driven
eat d Please eat healthy food. ate eaten
fall d He had a bad fall. fell fallen
feel d Can you feel any pain? felt felt
find d I find this very interesting. found found
fly d Let's fly to China. flew flown
forget d Don't forget Mother's Day. forgot forgotten
get d Please get the paper. got gotten
give d I will give you some money. gave given
go d Let's go to church. went gone
grow d Plants grow better with sunshine. grew grown
have, has d I have a sandwich. had had
hear d I can't hear you. heard heard
hide d Go hide and I will find you. hid hidden
hold d Hold tight or you will fall. held held
hurt d I hurt my ankle skiing. hurt hurt
keep d We keep bees for honey. kept kept
know d I know what you want. knew known
leave d Please leave the door open. left left
let d Let me win this game. let let
light d Light the fire it's getting cold. lit lit
lose d You lose if you cheat. lost lost
make d Make love not war. made made
mean d Mean what you say. meant meant
pay d Pay the rent today. paid paid
put d Put your shoes on. put put
read d Read me a short story. read read
ride d I can ride a bike. rode ridden
run d We will have to run. ran run
say d Say what you mean. said said
see d I see frost on the ground. saw seen
sell d Can I sell this here? sold sold
send d Send your mail early. sent sent
show d The show is over. showed shown
sing d Sing a happy song. sang sung
sit d Sit up straight! sat sat
sleep d I'm going to sleep. slept slept
speak d May I speak now? spoke spoken
stand d Stand beside me here. stood stood
swim d Swim to the shore. swam swum
take d Take your places. took taken
teach d Teach me how to cook. taught taught
tell d I can tell the time. told told
think d I think better after eating. thought thought
throw d Throw out the garbage. threw thrown
understand d I understand English. understood understood
wear d I wear slippers at home. wore worn
win d You win again! won won
write d Write home soon. wrote written

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