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ponctuation ...punctuation (punc - tu - a - tion)

1. Un ciclo es usado al final de un oración y después de un abreviación.
1. A period is used at the end of a sentence and after an abbreviation.
Tengo un resfrío. I have a cold.
No queremos a compra el casa. We do not want to purchase the house.
  U.B.C. - University of British Columbia.
  N.A.T.O. - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

2. El punto de interrogación es usado en setences preguntando un pregunta.
2. The question mark is used in setences asking a question.
Puede usted no andar? Can you not go? Can't you go?
Cómo puedes ella no andar? How could she not go? How couldn't she go?
Testamento Juan no respuesta mi pregunta? Will John not answer my question? John won't answer my question?
4. The comma is used in a sentence to separate ideas.
Je dois acheter des pommes, des oranges, et des poires. I need to purchase apples, oranges, and pears.
Pourrait le pas en avant de John, de Jane, et de Salley. Could John, Jane, and Salley step forward.

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